I'm Sorry, Joplin

I'm sorry, Joplin... and Vicksburg... and Tuscaloosa... and Fukushima... and West Texas... and... The list could go on and on and on. Saying "I'm Sorry" is an apology and shallow apologies happen way too often these days. I cannot apologize to the folks in those cities and towns for tornadoes, floods, wildfires and tsunamis because they were not of my making. What I can apologize for is feeling put out by some strong winds at our home, a few broken tree limbs and losing power for almost 24 hours yesterday. It is so easy to be put out by inconvenience and to feel sorry for ourselves when things like this happens. We may lose some food in the freezer, or miss the finale of " Dancing With The Stars ", but in the long run does it really matter? What about this? This is a photo of an IT support company's office building in Joplin, MO after Sunday's tornado cut a swath right through town. Does this matter? This sort of destruction ...