What if the 99% got ALL of the 1%'s money?
I am still stuck on this Occupy Wall Street (#OWS) phenomenom. I listened to a bit of Randi Rhodes on XM Radio today and Nicole Sandler was filling in for her. Nicole was talking to John Nichols of The Nation magazine about the growth of the Occupy Movement. It was quite funny listening to them talk about how the "Occupants" are willing to stay out there throughout the winter. These people are so righteous that they are willing to suffer to make their point. Awwww..... I thought about starting my own Occupy movement, but then I remembered that I have to work the rest of the year. Damn... So, they talked more and more about the income inequities and how the 1% have all of the money and the two of them actually said that the reason that the 99% are so bad off is because the 1% took all of the money. Seriously, they said that on the air. Rather than discuss macro-economics and how wealth is both created and destroyed by the whim of the market, I was curious if I could be ...