Is this what it has come down to?
Everything coming out of the White House these days seems to be attacking Capitalism as represented by Mitt Romney. After the "War on Women" didn't gain much traction with the critical 'undecided' 10%, it looks like the President will be running against Capitalism... at least bogeyman Capitalism, whatever that means. In fact, it really doesn't need to mean anything does it, as long as it pulls in votes? Look at Obama's latest screed against Romney and his Bain Capital days where he bemoans the fact that Romney's investment company shut down a steel mill in Middle America, firing hundreds of workers while "saving" the parent company. There was no mention of how many automobile dealerships with thousands of employees were shut down during Obama's "saving" of the auto industry. Yeah, that's different. It seems that any other -ism is better than Capitalism in his and his supporter's eyes. After all, fairness is the goa...