
Showing posts from March, 2024

Deplorables, adorables and implorables

Now that we have seen the craggy contours of Joe Biden’s Schlock and Awwww re-election campaign, it is time to find out what Donald Trump will bring to the fight. As I watched the State of the Union last week on my DVR, I ended up fast forwarding through the last 15 or 20 minutes. I just couldn’t take any more of it. Not only was the cake he brought to the party made of the same layers of BS, he slathered a thick coating of frosting over it to hide the contents and cover up the smell. And… he says he will pay for it all by taxing 1000 billionaires $50 billion more per year. Sorry Joe, but 50 billy doesn’t go very far these days even if you somehow manage to squeeze some juice from the oligarchs.  Donald Trump now has the perfect opportunity to contrast himself with “Feisty Joe” and it is high time he seized it. At every chance he has been given since Biden was installed as President, Trump reminds us of Russia, Russia, Russia, the perfect phone call, the Mueller Report, stolen ele...