Wholesome Prison Blues

Yes, I did it.

I got that phone call a month or so ago… “Would you be willing to go to ‘jail’ for an hour to raise ‘bail’ for the Chesapeake Chapter of the Muscular Dystrophy Association?” Since I had done it several years ago and it didn’t kill me, I answered “Sure, why not.”

That was the easy part.

The hard part is actually getting cash for the cause. Those of you who know me well know that I tend to (how shall I say this?) procrastinate a bit on things that are out of my comfort zone. None of us… (well, very few of us) really like asking people for money no matter what the cause. Heck, if I could manage it, and my company and employees would work for free, I wouldn’t even ask my clients for money because I love doing what MERIT Solutions does.

But the reality is that everything costs money and nothing is free. Nothing. Not health care, government bailouts, dates with your future spouse, 90 days same as cash, welfare, NOTHING! Somebody ultimately has to pay for it. And folks, that person is usually YOU. It eventually gets around to coming out of your pocket and it usually costs more because every expense has overhead and middlemen.

So… what does this have to do with MDA, jail, procrastination and money?

Well, here’s my thought. In our crazy day and time, all of us are inundated with email, phone calls, IMs, websites, ads, etc. that we have to process. If I had asked you a month ago to contribute, you would probably have intended to do something and then the email would have quickly receded below the email horizon and you would have forgotten all about it. Guess what? I have made it easy for you. No need to procrastinate!
Click here to go to my personal MDA website where you can click on Help Make My Goal and you can buy a flu shot, fund a minute of research, send a kid to camp, or just pick a number that you like and put it on your credit card of choice.

Wasn’t that easy?

And, by helping this worthy cause, when they find the cure, you won’t have to be paying for treatment for the unfortunate people who contract this disease. See? I am actually saving you money in the long run by cutting out the middleman!

This is the only cause that I will ask you to donate to because I don’t really like bugging friends and business associates for money. And… to make it easier, I will match your contributions up to the amount needed to reach my $3000 goal.

I will be carted off to ‘jail’ tomorrow (Thursday, June 25, 2009) at 1pm. I know that times are tough for businesses and for individuals, and it is becoming increasingly difficult for these charities to raise money to sustain their programs. So,
click here and pick a number that you are comfortable with and help me reach my goal. Plus, in the spirit of bailouts and subsidies, my matching funds will amplify your donations by 2X.

click through to my site and help me get out of jail (but not for free!)


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