Serendipity, new-style
Back in October, Andrew Breitbart, the much-maligned purveyor of and several other 'Bigs" posted this tweet: I am one that likes to check out different styles of music so I followed his link. Here is what I found. Give it a spin. Who knows, you may like it. It snagged me with its catchy beat, peppy tune and those whiny vocals (yes, Andrew, it is emo .) After I watched the video, I clicked on several others that came up and decided that I would put Grouplove in the plus column, although I secretly wondered if they may have been involved in Occupy Wall Street (just kidding, guys.) So, tonight I was at a local concert. It was a festival-style show where there are multiple bands. I had purchased the ticket because I wanted to see @GavinRossdale and the newly re-formed Bush. There was a room called the Budweiser Lounge where a poster in the hallway indicated that at 8:15 the featured band would be Grouplove. Grouplove? Hmmmm. I remembered the name, ...