This is bigger than Judge Roy Moore

 This is the week when the Washington Post released an article alleging that Roy Moore, U.S. senatorial candidate for the State of Alabama, had sexual contact with an underage female when he was a 32 year old assistant district attorney in rural Alabama. As can be expected, he has detractors and supporters with both sides "standing by their man". The fact that this bombshell was released just a month before a crucial election, which could decide the balance of power in Washington, plays heavily in which side one takes in the controversy.

I look at this episode from a different angle. I listened to Sean Hannity's radio show interview with the Judge on November 10, 2017. Listening to the almost 16 minute interview, I came away from it with the opinion that there is some there, there. He waffled when asked directly about the allegations but finished up the conversation by vehemently denying the charges. I am not sure he expected Sean to come after him like a prosecutor. He certainly did not have his Clintonian talking points and answers teed up. This interview did not serve him well.

Judge Moore became nationally famous when he refused to remove a monument of the Ten Commandments from the courthouse where he sat. He is a sort of fire-and-brimstone man and has been for a long time. He holds the bible and his faith above all else. So, if these allegations are based on truth, why is he such an adamant Christian? If he received redemption subsequent to his dalliances with younger women, then why is he lying about it now. The Ninth Commandment proclaims "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor". Most take this as meaning that one should not lie, or at least not lie about someone else. In either case, Judge Moore would be bearing false witness if the allegations are true.

What I find fascinating is the statement I have heard for many years that the people who make the most noise against something are usually the ones who harbor those feelings. I have seen it said against folks who rail against homosexuality, pedophilia, rape, misogyny and other sexual proclivities. In somes cases the stereotype bears out. Just look at the number of preachers and men of faith who had their downfall after women, men and boys proved that they were hypocrites. I find it difficult to imagine that these people assumed their secret would never be revealed but perhaps that is a fatal feature of their biggest character flaw.

What I would like to know is this: does this sort of psychological behavior draw the line at sexual weakness? I think not. As I have said many times before, it takes a dog to hear a dog whistle. Look at the number of people in politics who lob the "racist" allegation against political enemies at every turn. Someone could complain about their garbage can being left tipped over on trash day and a representative of the Southern Poverty Law Center will label it hate speech. Look at the number of folks calling others Nazis and Fascists.

What drives me crazy about these bomb throwers is that they always seem to see and hear things unseen and unsaid. I don't think that they are prescient, I think they are identifying traits based upon first person experience. Are they truly sensing these things or are they just seeing themselves in the way others act? I think it is the latter.

Hey, I have absolutely no basis from which to make this observation but neither do they. It is my opinion and I am sticking with it. As in all Asterisk postings, I want you to see through the smokescreen to what just might be.


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