Steele and Ungar - They ain't Oscar and Felix

I used to like Steele and Ungar. I really did. Michael Steele, the former Republican LT Governor of the People's Republic of Maryland and former RNC Chairman would go toe-to-toe with Rick Ungar, former writer and producer and senior political contributor to

Their back and forth on issues was entertaining. Rick would take the liberal side but not as a mouth-breathing, obnoxious goody two-shoes and Michael would take the moderate conservative side. It was Point-Counterpoint all over again. Their guests ran the gamut and each one of them would probe from their own perspective. It worked and I liked it.

That all changed with Donald Trump. Yes, that seems to be a theme these days, but with Steele and Ungar, it has ruined the chemistry. Rick has not changed his point of view but his constant putting down of the President (I wouldn't call it bashing of the MSNBC-sort of bashing) wears thin soon enough.

Michael, however, has totally been turned. He came out as a Never-Trumper pretty early in the game. Well, if your counterpointer is a liberal who hates Trump and can see nothing good in the man, then if you are a Never-Trumper, there isn't much to debate in this era of the Nothing-But-Trump news cycle.

Sometimes Michael is replaced with a guest co-host sitting in the conservative chair. I can listen to that. Rick actually takes a thoughtful opposition to the President, though he gives him no quarter. The substitute co-host will take a more conservative approach to Trump. Not so with Michael. Now he is reduced to what seems to be a nervous, you've-got-to-be-kidding-me giggle every time they talk about something Trump or his administration has done or said. Rick continues his measured takedown of the President and Michael pretty much agrees or piles on.

This is not good journalism and is definitely not good entertainment. Kind of like watching two foxes in the henhouse. Not good for the hens and we pretty much know how the segment will end.

It is time to revamp Steele and Ungar.

Maybe it is time for Priebus and Ungar.


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