A Contrarian Case for Doing Nothing

For those who have not voted yet in the US midterm elections, this is for you.
I truly believe that if the Democrats take control of the House this week, the nation will become embroiled in two years of utter chaos, pitting the House against the Senate, the House against the President and causing the Supreme Court to weigh in which will then cause the House to go against the Supreme Court. The radical Democrat blood-lust will be unleashed and we will literally have two years of weeping and gnashing of teeth. TV will become unwatchable. It will be an uncivil war of words and deeds which could devolve into an actual shooting war if things go too far.
Making matters worse, nothing will be accomplished in Washington. You may say "Well, that's a good thing" but the Chinese, the Russians and the Iranians will not stop what they are doing and a weak and distracted America is not good for ANY modern, Western-leaning, law-abiding government or nation.
For those of you with TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) I feel your pain. I know what it is like to feel forgotten, ignored and to see your candidate lose. It sucks! Especially when you realize that the whole world except for Fox News and talk radio was on your side and you still lost. That really sucks. Oh, but wait. That is not the case here. The whole world was against Trump and he still won. Clinton had 8 years and Obama had 8 years. Our side pushed back and opposed these two but there was nothing like the maniacal resistance we see against Trump. Even Bush hatred (remember that?) is a blush next to TDS.
As I stated in a previous post, ask yourself what harm have YOU, yourself, sustained over the past year. Are you poorer? Have you lost your health care? Can you not find a job? Have we been attacked by crazy Muslims? Isn't your trash being picked up on time? Has your church been closed? Have any "persons of color" been rounded up and put in prison (except for criminal illegals of all shades), has ANYONE from the LGBTQ community lost ANY privileges in the past two years? Is your air quality worse? Is your water more polluted? Has the price of gasoline skyrocketed? I implore you to look at what has happened, NOT what has been talked about. This is important!!! In your quietest moment of reflection, at least be honest with yourself.
So, if none of those things has happened, then why do you hate Trump so badly? Look what nations he is pushing back against. China is a hegemonic nation, trying to regain the lost glory of their old dynasties. Russia is a creaking old nation with only two exports... hydrocarbons and weapons, trying to regain some semblance of respect by being an international bully. Iran is a nation of dottering old mullahs following a warped reading of a religious book who see themselves as the ones to cleanse the world of evil. North Korea is a nation ruled by a family of despots who just love to stir things up so that they can extort a bounty from those who just wish they would go away.
All of these nations go against every notion which "civilized society" adheres to, every notion which makes us the way we are and the way we want to be. It is a binary choice. Either they win or we win. There are no ties. So, which way do YOU want it to go? Donald Trump is pro-America. America does not  want to defeat those nations and their people but we MUST defeat their ruling class which holds a dictatorial grip on power in their country and over their citizens.
Don't be a reactionary. Do not look at global politics as a fair fight. These nations are at war with the US, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, India, Japan and other peace loving capitalist nations. That is not debatable. The only thing debatable is how shall we respond? Obama responded by lying down or taking "the high road". We see where that got us. In a fairy tale, lying down with the lion may work. In the real world, you become dinner.
My point to all of this? Every Republican needs to get to the polls on Tuesday and vote for the Republican candidate. Who the candidate is is truly irrelevant this year. Which party controls Congress is of paramount concern. Yes, there will be contention within the Republican Party concerning who the Speaker will be, but that is minor. What you will be buying with your vote is stability and keeping the jackals at bay. Not voting will ensure chaos and gridlock. No arguing that point.
To my Democrat friends, if you like Trump (or if you just don't hate him), be sure to quietly vote for the Republican. You can tell everyone you voted for the Democrats. It can be our little secret. If you don't like Trump, vote for the Libertarian or just sit this one out. If you vote to put Nancy Pelosi back in charge of the House, the next two years will be on you. If you are a Republican and you do not vote, the next two years will be on you, but double.
Trump is a flawed human. So are most people. His election in 2016 was as much a need for the middle class to push back against the corrupt power brokers in Washington as it was for wanting to elect a random TV reality star. Don't dwell on Trump. He will still be President for two more years. Impeachment will NOT get rid of him (remember, it did not get rid of Bill Clinton and Clinton had real criminal charges of perjury and suborning perjury filed against him.) Think, instead, about our nation. Think about your kids and grandkids. We DO NOT need two years of chaos. Quit fighting. Let it play out. We gave Obama his 8 years and he was able to do pretty much what he wanted with foreign policy and social policy. He made his attempt at "fundamentally changing America." Give Trump a chance without Resistance and with token friction. To quote Obama, "We won. Get over it. That is what elections are for."
Bottom line, on Tuesday, vote for Republicans if you want stability. If you must protest, vote Libertarian. Sit this one out if you want neither Republican nor Libertarian, or just vote "Present" like Barack Obama did so many times early in his political career. The world will thank you and you have my sincere appreciation, too.

Sitting out an elections seems so antithetical to everything we have been taught but think about this one time as taking a knee for Team America. You will feel better about life on Wednesday morning. I guarantee it.


Anonymous said…
Hah - so funny. We can look exclusively at Trump for the original cause of any and all extraordinary chaos.
While it's good to "disturb the status quo", we don't need a dumb Trump bull in a china shop just to cause damage and do nothing actually useful.

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