Test America Back To Work

I have advocated aggressive testing over the past month, but with the recent developments where practically all states have issued stay-at-home orders, I think it is time to re-calibrate the nation's response. I call on the President and all Governors to initiate mandatory testing of all people age 16-29 to receive a serology test for the COVID-19 antibody effective immediately. This simple blood test will show whether the person tested has had the virus and recovered, or not. For those who have had the virus, the presence of antibodies in their blood indicates that they have developed an immunity to the virus. For all intents and purposes, they are now immune to COVID-19. All who test positive for the antibody will be entered into a national database by SSN. Employers and authorized users will be able to verify immunity. Additionally, the individuals will be issued a nationally recognized picture ID card. This card will certify that they can work and they can gather in grou...