
Showing posts from November, 2022

Open Letter to Donald Trump... Mr. President, do NOT run again!

Mr. President, When you announced your candidacy in 2015, you were a novelty – a joke. But, the more primaries you won, the bigger the threat you became. To say your campaign methods were unconventional would be the understatement of the century. You couldn’t win. You were a fool, a boor, you had no experience. The Democrats heard you coming but they really didn’t see you coming. They knew you had no chance. Hillary had already measured the drapes, picked her cabinet and blew up the balloons. They were ready for “four more years”... no reason to start up the famous Democrat vote-fixing machine. The same machine that got JFK over the finish line in 1960 and kept major cities firmly under their control for decades. And then… you won. BAM! Like hitting a donkey up side the head with a 2x4 (metaphor intended), you got their attention.   You played the game to win. “But, but, but, he lost the popular vote” they exclaimed. So what? You won the Electoral College. Like in football, fi...

Another treatise on voting

Over the years I have had a lot to say about voting and elections. Obviously, 2020 was a low water mark when it came to trustworthy elections. Much has been said about Trump's "loss" in November. I have no faith in the results of that presidential contest. Some would call me an election " denialist ". (The buzzword used to be "denier" but denialist sounds much more technically relevant.) What I really am is an election realist . In a close election, if some group has a history of cheating or using creative "options" in order to drag their candidate over the finish line, I am going to assume that they would cheat again.. Human nature is mighty sticky and leopards do not change their spots.. When it comes to the actual mechanics of the election, the responsibility of your precinct and  your city/county election officials is to look at every vote cast, with a bit of suspicion and to provide a valid, reliable and verifiable count. They shouldn...

The Home Stretch - Trump v. Clinton

Editor's Note: This was originally posted on October 9, 2016 We have all heard it before. "This election is the most important election in our lifetime." Yes, it sounds trite, but isn't it true? Don't we always see today's threats as being so much more dire than the issues from four, eight, twelve or more years ago? Sure. Today is always a more realistic concept than yesterday . However, I believe that our choice between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump to become President of the United States is the most important presidential decision to be made in decades. Choosing John McCain over Barack Obama seemed pretty simple. A seasoned legislator with decades of federal experience and years of military service pitted against a hollow shell of a man with a year of federal experience and a tenure as a state senator whose most famous act was voting "present" 129 times. What choice could have been simpler? But America was ready for a change, so Obama was vot...