Open Letter to Donald Trump... Mr. President, do NOT run again!

Mr. President,

When you announced your candidacy in 2015, you were a novelty – a joke. But, the more primaries you won, the bigger the threat you became. To say your campaign methods were unconventional would be the understatement of the century. You couldn’t win. You were a fool, a boor, you had no experience. The Democrats heard you coming but they really didn’t see you coming. They knew you had no chance. Hillary had already measured the drapes, picked her cabinet and blew up the balloons. They were ready for “four more years”... no reason to start up the famous Democrat vote-fixing machine. The same machine that got JFK over the finish line in 1960 and kept major cities firmly under their control for decades. And then… you won. BAM! Like hitting a donkey up side the head with a 2x4 (metaphor intended), you got their attention.


You played the game to win. “But, but, but, he lost the popular vote” they exclaimed. So what? You won the Electoral College. Like in football, five field goals trumps two touchdowns all day long. Those are the rules. (Ask Bill Clinton about needing to win the popular vote to be legit.) A win is a win and you won, but you sure kicked their hornets’ nest. Hard. The long knives were drawn and never again sheathed.


You knew how to run a private construction and development business. You knew how to play the rough and tumble game of politics in a city like New York and you knew how to leverage an interested, if not sympathetic press to your benefit. What you didn’t know was how to run a government. Your campaign staffing came from the Island of Misfit Toys. Like in the movie, they got you over the finish line and they were mostly great people but they didn’t know how to staff a government. You brought people in that you thought you trusted but soon found out otherwise. It was chaos on a stick. To the end, you had few real friends and allies in the White House. Even the bonds of family weren’t that vigorous. The press aligned against you. The deep state dug in even deeper. Justice and the FBI pulled out all the stops and your Attorney General was a meek, honorable southern gentleman. Right man, wrong time. You needed a wingman, an Eric Holder, but you had Jeff Sessions. We know how that played out.


In spite of rampant leaks all the way up into your private discussions with heads of state, FBI malfeasance with your staff, lies about what really happened while witnesses were under oath at Congressional hearings, turmoil in staffing, ugly tell-all books and not one but two impeachments, you got stuff done. Your accomplishments would make any true conservative proud. You nominated and got confirmed three Supreme Court justices including a replacement for the sainted Ruth Bader Ginsburg. You gave hope to Black and Hispanic workers, clearing the way for the lowest unemployment numbers for that cohort in modern history. You presided over record low unemployment and record low interest rates. The stock market rewarded you with record high numbers and massive financial returns. You transformed our nation from one of foreign energy dependence to one of domestic energy independence as well as becoming a net energy exporter. You designed and then began the building of a substantial wall on our southern border in spite of massive resistance. You worked with Mexico to retain hundreds of thousands of folks who, under previous (and current) administrations, would have walked right over the border and stayed here uninvited and illegal. 

You approved the languishing Keystone Pipeline enabling our neighbor to the north to move oil to market in a safe and responsible manner. You finally cajoled most of our NATO allies into paying their fair share. Sure, they whined about it, like a kid being made to wash the dishes in order to get their allowance, but they did it and we were all better for it. You cracked the diplomatic ice with North Korea and tamped down Kim’s bellicose attitude toward the US. You reached out to China and was working to balance our trade numbers before the Wuhan Coronavirus was spread across the planet. And when COVID-19 hit, after a few stumbles, two weeks to slow the spread and the antics and sometimes criminal activities of Dr. Anthony Fauci, you managed to facilitate the creation of not one, not two, but three viable vaccines in record time. A process that normally takes five to ten years, your Project Warp Speed was able to get millions of doses in the pipeline, ready for inoculations while waiting for final approval. Like Moses gazing at the promised land, you were intentionally blocked from having the vaccine approval before the 2020 election, but you GOT IT DONE. No one else would have had the fortitude or the temerity to figure out how to make it happen. You did and it is likely to be your crowning achievement.


With all of these accomplishments in only three years, with COVID consuming your fourth year, and considering the CATEGORY 5 headwinds you faced to get anything accomplished, why would I ask you not to run again in 2024?


First, let’s talk about the election. Yes, you were cheated. The election was rigged “substantially adversely affected” and Molly Ball in Time Magazine as much as admitted it in her February 2021 article entitled The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Rigged Saved the 2020 Election” (emphasis added). Many of us are convinced that your win was “removed” from you in 2020. The Washington Machine – the world’s largest self-licking ice cream cone – could not, under any circumstance, allow you to win. Period.


In 2016, the Democrats didn’t see you coming. For 2020, they started preparing for your reelection on the morning of November 9, 2016. COVID was manna from heaven for those who wanted a certain “fluidity” in the election process. Laws were bent and laws were broken across the nation. If elections take more than an evening to confirm, be prepared for shenanigans. And shenanigans we had. I don’t need to repeat the massive number of questionable things that happened before, during and after the election. Read Molly Ball’s article. Read Peter Navarro’s book. Read Molly Hemingway’s book. Detractors say “But, but there was no evidence of fraud, and every court that heard a complaint threw it out.” Sure, there is no evidence of fraud if you don’t actually look for any and no court in the land, including the Supreme Court, wanted to be the one which overturned a presidential election, especially one that favored you, President Donald John Trump.


When Joe Biden was inaugurated on January 20, 2021, the rapid decline of the United States began. Like a jilted lover tossing all of your clothing, furniture and possessions out the window and onto the front lawn, Biden quickly unwound all of the good that you did for our nation. Tough love begat tough luck. January 6 provided the left an even more potent, if not totally contrived reason to erase anything Trump from the government. You had huge numbers of people from your own party turn their backs on you. The history of your four years in office, topped off with the lies and the stench of January 6 have harmed your brand. The media industrial complex achieved what they set out to do. Destroy Donald Trump and salt the land you had walked upon.


But, and this is a huge “but”, they did not kill the enthusiasm and the love your supporters had for you. MAGA Nation still exists. You still have your prophets and they are still preaching to the faithful. Your second term would have been a magnificent time. You had found your cadence. You had pretty much rid your administration of the disloyal. The Deep State was in the process of self-selecting and your policies were reaching stride where they would actually be affecting material and lasting change. But, alas, it was not to be and now it is time to move on.


In the interim between the time that Joe Biden began enabling and enacting the ruination of our great country and now, all forces have aligned against you and honestly, you have done yourself no favors. Rather than take the L no matter how much it stings and redouble your efforts to reclaim your rightful seat, you have made a caricature of yourself. You cannot let it go. Like the jilted lover I mentioned earlier, you are throwing all of the goodwill you had amassed with a majority of Americans out the window as you continue to play into the hands of a cynical press, snarky social media and hateful politicians. Half of the voters wouldn’t vote for you with a gun put to their head, but the other half is where you are slipping. Your supporters want to back someone who can win. We are just no longer sure that person is you.


This nation needs another warrior in the White House to make America great again. Whomever this Republican is (Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida immediately comes to my mind) needs to have the spine to stand up to Democrats, the media and the entire woke economy and social structure. He or she needs to have YOU behind them as not only a promoter but as a rear guard. To win, they need to be as baggage-free as humanly possible. To get this person elected, you need to endorse and then let them win on their own. No one can lead effectively if they are in the shadow of or under the thumb of a kingmaker.


You created the movement and it will be forever known as the Trump MAGA Movement. Let the next generations take over… it is now their world after all. Hopefully, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell and all of the other “ancients” will be defeated or decide to retire in the next several years. Let the folks who will have to live in the world they create, take over. Enjoy your remaining life of freedom, do good things, improve your golf game, while doing everything you can to thwart the liberals in their crooked games. Buy CNN or MSNBC. Fight them on their own turf. Time will slowly buff the liberal’s tarnish from your reputation, burnishing your legacy. You will eventually be remembered as Reagan and Kennedy are now remembered, as the haters die off or move on to other, more current victims.


Yes, Mr. President, we still need you but we need the heir to the MAGA throne to carry on your fight. Pass the torch, help this person to win, to achieve great things and to Make America Great Again.


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