It has to start somewhere...
Much is being said about this "take a knee" thing. Here is my take. Every single one of these NFL players are employees. As employees, there is set of standards which are expected to be upheld. For the NFL players, there is also a written contract. For most employees, it is a tacit, universally understood set of rules on what can and cannot go on at work. Yes, these guys have every right to not support the United States or to talk $%&! about it, but when they suit up and walk into the stadium, they are on someone else's time and need to adhere to the standards of conduct given to them. If a high school football coach cannot pray with his team because the School Board says so (BTW, he is an employee but it is his right as an American to pray), then if the owners say "no kneeling" the players should consent. IMHO, the National Anthem is not even needed at sporting events. I have never understood the reason it is played, but it is and that brings us to wh...