It has to start somewhere...

Much is being said about this "take a knee" thing. Here is my take.

Every single one of these NFL players are employees. As employees, there is set of standards which are expected to be upheld. For the NFL players, there is also a written contract. For most employees, it is a tacit, universally understood set of rules on what can and cannot go on at work. Yes, these guys have every right to not support the United States or to talk $%&! about it, but when they suit up and walk into the stadium, they are on someone else's time and need to adhere to the standards of conduct given to them. If a high school football coach cannot pray with his team because the School Board says so (BTW, he is an employee but it is his right as an American to pray), then if the owners say "no kneeling" the players should consent.

IMHO, the National Anthem is not even needed at sporting events. I have never understood the reason it is played, but it is and that brings us to where we are today.

Inasmuch as the players have a "right" to express their discontent with they US during the playing of the anthem and the raising of the colors, the fans have an equal right to walk out. Attending sporting events seems to me to be something which is OPTIONAL in everyone's life. If you do not agree with the Kaepernicks of the world, then get your ass out of your seat, put your hat back on your head and walk out. You may have already bought the tickets and the team has banked that money, but believe me they will sorely miss the sales of $16 craft beers, $8 hotdogs, $5 bags of 15 peanuts and $60 parking passes. Not to even mention the sale of team merch. This is where the REAL money is made in sports. These teams live and die on cash flow.

It is funny how liberal groups will simply threaten a boycott and most corporation will fold like a cheap suit (look at the current Fox News roster for confirmation). So, even the THREAT of a small group not buying an antihistamine will cause a drug company to pull their advertising on Sean Hannity's show. Imagine the impact if 50% or more of the crowd at a stadium (especially if it is a nationally televised game) get up and walk out before the kickoff. BAM!

Conservatives, it is time to grow a pair and show the other side that your opinion is just as valid as theirs is. There will always be another game to attend but there will never be a better time to make this move. The media wants to make this about race but it is all about respect. Race is the ultimate wedge issue and the left will use it every time even if it is not relevant. Do not fall into that trap.

To quote the great urban philosophers, Rage Against The Machine, in the song Guerrilla Radio, "It has to start somewhere, It has to start sometime, what better place than here, what better time than now?"


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