A Quick and Effective Immigrant Bill
Since conservatives (not Republicans) are against unfettered
immigration for two major reasons, let’s address both in a comprehensive
“Immigrant” bill, not a comprehensive “Immigration” bill. Here are the two reasons:
Item 1 – Conservatives do not want the massive number of
legal and illegal immigrants to vote as a block and to vote for the Democrats.
There, I said it. It is true.
Item 2 – Conservatives do not want massive numbers of
immigrants to change our American society and way of life. Well, that one is
pretty much out of the bag, but it is a valid goal.
To fix this we can have a three part package:
- All illegal immigrants
can sign up for a pink card if they can show that they have a job. Signing
up for a pink card is a provisional registration. Having one:
- Admits that they came
here illegally
- Attests that they will
not commit felonies or other major crimes and that swift deportation will
occur after their conviction and sentencing
- They will not get any
sort of automatic citizenship
- Citizenship may be
attained by “going to the back of the line” and waiting for a slot.
Citizenship may never happen, by the way.
- A valid SSN must be
issued and taxes must be paid.
- They must self-deport
if out of work for over six months.
- They must not gain
access to welfare benefits (this one is negotiable if they are in fact
employed and paying taxes.)
- Dreamers will be issued
a sky-blue card. Their assertions will be similar to those in the
previous points, but they will not have to go to the back of the line to
gain citizenship. They must meet all other qualifications of becoming a
citizen like any other legal non-citizen. These folks are here and they
aren’t going “home” because here is their home.
- Remove the attraction of
coming to America illegally.
- A wall on the Mexican
border must be funded and built. The wall can be virtual in those places
where a physical wall impractical, but it must be proven to be virtually
- eVerify must be
enforced and valid ID must be presented for employment. Any employer
violating this rule will be severely fined.
- The “anchor baby”
reading of the 15th Amendment must be nullified effective
immediately. No person, except a U. S. citizen will have automatic
citizenship granted to children born to them in the U. S.
- Fund a modern voting
process like what I have laid out in previous posts in this blog. Enforce strict
registration and voting day regulations. Make it simple but bulletproof. Proper documentation is not an evil idea, nor is it racist. (What if the illegal
voter is from Russia, not Mexico???)
A comprehensive bill would address the issue of unemployed
American citizens not taking jobs that the “pinkies” will take, but that is too
contentious to address in the Immigrant Bill. Also the issues contained in the
RAISE Act needs to be addressed as well, but "comprehensive" kills real bills because
compromise is virtually impossible.