Another Fine Mess
Well, here we are on the Saturday after the all-important US presidential election of 2020. On Election Day, into the wee hours of the evening, Donald Trump had it walking away. It was in the bag. States which were obviously Trump's (Florida, Georgia, North Carolina) were not called while Arizona was called early on for Biden.
We were told for months that Biden owned this election cycle. The candidate who basically hid from the public for six months was going to preside over a "Blue Wave" where the Democrats would take the Senate and further cement their lead in the House. As recently as November 2, we were told that Biden had leads in swing states from between 8 points and 17 points. As we have seen, even with massive shady ballot counting going on, Biden is leading with the narrowest of margins.
Put aside the fact that Biden is leading in the popular vote by around 4 million ballots. This is totally irrelevant. We elect a president via the Electoral College. Say what you want about the Electoral College, it is how the game is played. Is it fair? The people who do not live in urban environs believe it is fair, but that is a discussion for another day. (If you want to worry yourself about the Electoral College, figure out if the three point basket is fair and then try to convince Stephan Curry that it isn't.)
Donald Trump went into this election season with both hands and both legs tied behind his back. Basically he was hog-tied by "the system". Biden out raised him in donations, Biden had the support of Wall Street, every substantial Social Media platform (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc.), every notable cable channel except for Fox News, every single broadcast network (CBS, ABC, NBC, PBS, etc.), virtually every newspaper with the notable exception of the Wall Street Journal editorial page (and there was dissent on those pages) and the Washington Times. The New York Post was friendly as well, but every "paper of record" was virulently anti-Trump. He had the support of the movie media, the entertainment cabal, and just about anyone who had a soapbox was either silent on the issue or anti-Trump. Many state and federal judges were still in the pocket of the Democrat party and there were many friendly injunctions filed on behalf of Joe Biden and the left.
Trump started barnstorming the nation in August and when he came down with COVID-19, the liberals saw it for what it was to them, a gift. First it was so funny for them that the President, who proclaimed that the virus was in recession and that everyone had a right to free movement, had gotten the very thing that he said "was a hoax" (which that statement was in and of itself a hoax), and he was suddenly stopped from his famous and popular rallies. Biden stayed in his basement, tripping over his tongue in whichever friendly interview his handlers allowed him to take.
But, Trump prevailed. Within a week, he was back home in the White House and the rallies picked up again within days. What a grueling schedule he ran. Every rally was a success with tens of thousands of people showing up and many others not able to get in. Ad hoc Trump boat parades and truck parades happened across the nation. Trump stood in the rain and the snow, delivering his 75 minute speech, sometimes five in one day. Every single Biden appearance was preceded by Trump supporters on the side of the road with their banners flying proud, showing the VP that he was in a real battle.
Biden would show up at his rally with 12-15 supporters restricted to perfectly drawn circles on the pavement. The cameras never cut away to the "crowd". Biden's gaffs and miscombobulations were edited out. Sometimes they would allow a hundred or so vehicles onto the premise and instead of applause, they would toot their horns. Trump supporters were off-site honking and trying to disrupt, drawing the ire of Uncle Joe.
Trump's rallies were accompanied by shouts of "We Love You" from the crowd. Never before have we heard anything like it. The people are definitely behind Trump. No one is behind Biden. No one.
No one except the complicit media who chose to completely ignore the festering boil of a scandal known as Hunter's Laptop from Hell. Poof. Gone. Like it never happened.
Could Trump actually lose the election? Sure he could. After such daunting odds of having the entirety of virtually the complete management structure of the US against him, of course he could. Even if his opponent was the hapless, feckless, lackluster, bumbling, do-nothing candidate named Joe Biden. Even if his opponent has serious ethical issues just waiting for a fair airing of the evidence. Even if his opponent didn't even campaign until the last week, he could. And if he does, as the AP and other "Decisions Desks" have just announced minutes ago as I write this, he has nothing to be ashamed of. If you could remove the people who voted for Biden because, and only because, he wasn't Donald Trump. If you could remove the voters who were scared of their own shadow. If you could remove the early voters who were scared by the media into being afraid of COVID yet they have no problem going to the grocery store, he could win. But he won't. They cannot allow him to win. He is an existential threat to their system and they CANNOT ALLOW HIM TO WIN.
The only reason that Donald J. Trump won in 2016 is that the left had let their guard down. They knew that he couldn't win, so they didn't prepare like they did this time. This time, they had four years of Russia, Russia, Russia, Ukraine, Deep State interference, leaked conversations, nasty books by insiders, COVID scare tactics, claims of racism, bigotry, homophobia, misogyny and hatred, Chinese interference, sympathetic judges and don't forget impeachment. Yeah, that thing. This time they were ready.
They had their information warfare plotted out. There is NO WAY IN HELL that every, single pollster got it wrong by 10-15%. No way. This was coordinated, colluding information warfare by all players. Did they get on a Zoom meeting and work out the details? No, but all they needed to do was watch CNN, MSNBC, read the Washington Post and the New York Times and throw a little gas on the Antifa crowd and off we go. These guys steal talking points like Biden cribs speeches. This is the collusion that we should have been looking for, not the blip from Russia.
Oh, does anyone think that Russia and China are sad that Trump may have been defeated? Seriously? He was as big a pain in their ass as the was in everyone else's.
I hope the haters are happy. They got what they wanted. Even most of the Republicans are breathing a sigh of relief. Very few were really for Trump. Now they can go back to being lapdogs to Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi. "Do what you want, just give us a few crumbs so we can keep our seats" they say. "We want decorum, not action. Better to be nice and civil than do what is right for THE PEOPLE".
That's OK, we know who you are. We are keeping score. 2022 is coming. Now all we need to do is fix the electoral system so they can't f*** with it. We have shown that is what really counts. The election system is the crown jewel. After all that was thrown against Trump, he lost because of a shitty electoral system. Let that sink in. COUNT EVERY VOTE! Yeah, as long as many of the votes are tainted or cast by scared voters in favor of Biden.
Am I bitter? Hell, yes I am. But, I am also resolved to never give in. I will give Biden exactly what the left gave Trump and nothing more.