Oh, what a mess we have on our hands!
Late last night, November 27, 2020, a Pennsylvania state judge ruled to halt certification of the presidential election on the grounds that massive distribution of unsolicited mail-in ballots went against the Pennsylvania constitution, which would require a constitutional amendment to make such a change.
This is a HUGE development. Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the US Constitution provides for a Presidential election by saying “Each State Legislature shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors...”. In this case, the legislature spoke, but the legislation went against the state constitution which does not allow this type of mail-in ballot.
Here's the rub... there is no court in the land which will desire to throw out the vote or to disenfranchise an entire state's balloting. In Pennsylvania's case, over 7 million votes. Legally, it could be done. If the state is unable to certify the election, the appointment of electors falls to the state legislature. In the case that no candidate receives 270 electoral votes, nationwide, due to conflict, the selection of the next president would fall to the US House of Representatives. Is this how we want things to go? I think not.
First, if this were to happen, the liberal media would explode. Remember, the first claim of scoundrels, when they have nothing else to say, is RACISM! Immediately, the claim that all Republicans and the Supreme Court are RACIST and their desire to disenfranchise millions of Black voters will emanate from all platforms. We already saw a precursor to this in Wayne County, MI where the Board of Canvassers voted 2-2 to not certify the results. Immediately the accusations flew. It was vicious and it was ugly.
So, how do you cure the problem without disenfranchising millions of voter's rights when many of them assumed that their mail-in vote was legal? I have an answer.
Every legal mail-in vote was contained within an envelope. Many states required a second "safety" envelope upon which the voter's name and signature was written. Within the envelope was the actual ballot, where the votes were cast and, to the best of my knowledge, on which there were no identifying characteristics. So, given a stack of millions of mail-in ballots, there is absolutely no way to verify, certify or otherwise contact the voters. This is actually the crux of the problem. The allegation is that in a few Democrat-controlled districts, hundreds of thousands of ballots were fraudulently inserted into the stream of non-fraudulent ballots. Once mixed in, there is no way to validate the ballots since they were separated from the envelope. The fact that many of the ballots are both unfolded and also have votes only for Joe Biden (no down-ballot selections were made) has not yet been shown, even though this would be a huge anomaly and proof of fraud. That is why such a big deal was made about the observers for not being able to watch the process, firsthand.
The election officials were supposed to save the envelopes. Watching the videos of the counting stations, you can see the people constantly stacking and sorting the envelopes. With the envelopes comes the answer. The state should immediately send out, via certified mail, a new ballot to each of the folks who sent in a valid mail-in ballot. This ballot will have already been validated from the current state election roll. These individuals would have ten days to return the new ballot via mail or drop-off in person. The state will then have three days to count the ballots and report the results. After the final date is passed, there will be NO more ballots accepted.
This will give the state, the legislature and the courts ample time to certify the vote. The US Congress may have to pass a temporary one-time allowance for the Electoral College to be late.
By following this process, the absentee votes will be validated, the day-of in-person votes will be validated (to the extent they can be trusted with the Dominion Voting Systems software) and the mail-in votes will be validated. No on can claim disenfranchisement. Everyone has an equal chance of voting and returning their ballot. Everyone will be equally inconvenienced. So be it. These are extraordinary times.
As a conservative, it is obvious that this fight is over seeing that a Republican President gets a fair count and could possibly gain a second term if the numbers end up as I believe they will, but liberals and independents should also be greatly concerned. If every election comes down to allowing fraudulent and dodgy vote counting in majority Democrat districts, how can anyone feel confident that the vote is fair and how can anyone of the losing party feel right in getting behind and supporting the "winner"? No, what happens is the rift between the parties deepens and nothing good can come from that.
During the aftermath of the 2016 election the left never claimed that the voting was fraudulent. They claimed that $100,000 worth of Facebook ads from Russian sources swung the election to Donald Trump. That is a completely different argument and doesn't bode well for the body of the American electorate if something like that could swing an election. For three years, the left never accepted the election of Donald J. Trump. Just ask Hillary Clinton about Joe Biden conceding. You know how corrosive that was. Every single day, the media spewed hate upon the Trump administration. Every single initiative that Trump took in his first term was opposed by the media, the courts and the Deep State. Is this what the Democrats want from the Republicans if Joe Biden is enthroned? We need fairness and we need certainty.
Certainly, the right has a much smaller megaphone than the left but it can still make a lot of noise and there are now a LOT more Federal judges who lean right than there were in the early days of the Trump Administration, so there are plenty of ways that a President Biden can be thwarted and delayed. Is this good governance? No, and you can see it in the way that many, many Republicans have already rolled over for letting Biden go ahead and become President. The desire for comity and cooperation is great on the right, even though that was never reciprocated by the left. We actually do want to get along.
Bottom line, we must hear the voices of the people. Let the mail-in voters have their say. Send out the certified ballots and count them when they are returned. There should be no way that there are more ballots received than were sent out the second time. This alone should remove the taint of fraud from these ballots.
A side benefit to a cleaner election is that if this happens in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Arizona, it would remove the laser focus of the dark forces of the left to steal the two Senatorial runoff elections in Georgia. There would be more places in play for them to need to influence voters. Realistically, the voters should not be ripe for influence, since they are doing nothing more than recasting their previously cast votes. It is doubtful that any of them would want to change their votes. I know that I wouldn't...
So, let's get moving to fix this mess. It might still be technically unconstitutional, but nothing short of massive disenfranchisement would be a more legal cure.
The simple fact is it now doesn't matter who you voted for as that choice has been taken away from you by this fraud.