Save the Earth!
First, let me stipulate that I am NOT one of those who wants to see an earth polluted by whatever manner of trash that any business or individual wants to spew into the air, waterways and lands. I appreciate a clean environment. I do not throw trash out of my car window, dump motor oil down storm drains, nor burn plastic trash in a barrel behind my home. I even drive an electric car.
This article from the Associated Press ran in our local newspaper today and is probably published in many others across the US. It reads more like mouth-breathing commentary than it does as a legitimate news story. If you are like most Americans, you will glance at the headline "'Everything is at stake' for climate", look at the pictures of a burning redwood tree, flooding of a home and a baked and cracked lake bed and assume that the earth is about to be destroyed. Then you would move on to the comics or the next meme on Instagram.
Thousands of concerned politicians, lobbyists and reporters have hopped on hundreds of aircraft and jetted their way to Glasgow, Scotland this week for a UN-sponsored climate summit known as COP26. On the agenda is to try to get to zero carbon emissions by 2050. The bigger "get" they are seeking, however, is to shake the trees for hundreds of billions of dollars to help third world countries mitigate the effects of "global climate change". Ostensibly some of the smartest people in the world, and definitely the most concerned, these people conveniently dismiss many scientific facts while focusing upon a narrow set of statistics which make their case that the earth is going to hell in a handbasket. Why these people are doing this is beyond me except the cynic in me feels that they are anarchistic in nature and jealous in practice. They want to bring down Big Business while they reside in the lap of luxury doing what they can do to save the planet. Oh, and a large dollop of self-importance doesn't hurt the cause either.
The earth is said to be over 4,000,000,000 years old and mankind has been active and recording history for only 11,000 years of that enormous span of time. The chart shown here indicates that the earth has had six (count them, six!) warming periods since the beginning of this short period of recorded history. The jet set would have you believe that our recent episode of spewing hundreds of billions of tons of carbon into the atmosphere has caused a rapid change in the climate and weather. Perhaps it has. There really is no proof, however. As I have stated previously, it stretches credulity to believe that an atmospheric increase of an odorless and colorless gas from 250 PPM to 450 PPM could effectuate a greenhouse effect which causes temperatures to rise (and to fall) across the globe. I have made the point that perhaps the atmosphere is now too clean which allows more solar radiation to hit the earth, heating it, while allowing more radiant energy to escape the atmosphere, cooling the earth when the sun is absent. My theory is just as plausible as the CO2 greenhouse theory is.When you look at the people who are massively invested in the idea behind man-made climate change, you will see that they are all progressives. Some folks, like energy company executives, appear to have bought into the hype, but they are not true believers. They are going along to get along, plus they realize that there is "gold in them thar hills" if they play their cards right. Remember, they are no longer oil companies. They are energy companies and energy can come from anywhere. Anywhere, that is, except nuclear. The true tell of whether these Glasgow people are serious about the effects of "carbon" on the planet is their attitude toward nuclear power. Nuclear power, especially the new Gen IV nuclear, is the safest and cleanest form of energy production we have. It has a zero carbon footprint and does not require the dirty and destructive mining of rare earth metals. Yet, they are doing everything they can to destroy the nuclear power business. Why?
Perhaps these people are aiming at a target that is unreachable, and they know it. Perhaps their goal is not a clean planet but a planet that toes their party line. As you can see in the chart, the planet has always oscillated between warm and cool, hot and cold. If 11,000 years ago mankind had progressed to the level of knowledge and ability we have today, would they be complaining that the regression of ice sheets covering what is now the northern half of the US and all of Canada was a bad thing? That the demise of the land bridge between the Aleutians and Russia or the land bridge between the British Isles and France world break the planet? Of course they would if they thought it would further their causes.
Wake up folks, it isn't about the planet. Greta Thunberg may care but she is just a misguided tool of the climate bourgeoisie. As long as she promotes their dogma, she remains their darling in the spotlight. As soon as she veers away, she will be cast aside onto the trash heap of no longer useful idiots.
Don't buy into this scary story. It just encourages the crazies to grab for more power. Fight back before it is too late.